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Dokumen Adobe PDF
Kamus - Ensiklopedia & Buku sinonim
Komputer dan Teknologi
Pembangunan Web
Perisian Komputer
Permainan Komputer
Sekuriti Komputer


DevX - web developer's search: DevX is the first search engine for those who create the web - is a non-profit making online developer site that covers Internet Related Technologies that are cross-browser as
well as operating system and platform independent

JavaScript Source - cut & paste javascripts

ScriptSearch The Worlds Largest CGI Library - the name is deceptive, there`s much more as just CGI

or do a language/category search for:

The CGI Resource Index - there`s also Perl, C and C++, AppleScript, Tcl, Unix Shell and VB

Web Design Group - the Web Design Group was founded to promote the creation of non-browser specific, non-resolution
specific, creative and informative sites that are accessible to all
users worldwide. To this end, the WDG offers material on a
wide range of HTML & script related topics

Webmonkey   search for anything regarding web development & web related.

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